Written By: Vivian BenjaminBlue Pea
Clitoria ternatea (amzn.to/3VpmNXs) or blue pea is a perennial herbaceous plant from the Fabaceae flowering family. Presently, this flower has been gaining popularity as it has potential in modern medicine and is used in food colouring. Blue pea grows as a creeper and can be found throughout humid and semi-humid environments such as Asia, Australia, Mexico, and several Pacific islands. It thrives in the sunlight and can be grown in a wide range of soil conditions. Apart from that, another advantage is that this plant only needs moderate water to be cultivated. The petals can be found as blue-coloured, white-coloured and purple-coloured flowers. In floriography, this vibrant blue flower symbolises “blissful delights”. It has been associated with emotion, love, protection, and serenity. Founded in 1950 In 1950, the flower was studied for its pharmacological activities and active constituents. It has been found with a high level of anthocyanins termed “ternatins”, which gives the flower its bright blue colour. However, in 2003, the plant was studied again, due to the colour changes of the flower petals. The study concluded that the colour changed as the flower contains acylation, which plays a role in different colour creation. On that account, blue pea shapes an ideal source of natural additives that enhances the nutritive values of any product. Aside from that, it is also used largely in traditional medicine to enhance cognitive functions and alleviation of symptoms of pain, inflammation, fever and diabetes. In addition, the blue pea is loaded with fibre, healthy fats and vitamins A, B, C, and E. Blue Pea nutrients: Calcium – 25.9g Zinc – 44mg Phosphorus – 3.9g Potassium – 23.0g Sodium – 1.1g Manganese – 91mg Magnesium – 6g 4 Amazing Health Benefits of Blue Pea Now, let’s explore how this vibrant blue flower has the potential to nurture your body from the inside and outside. 1. Antioxidant Many foods contain antioxidant properties however, high levels can be found in blue peas. Antioxidant properties protect your body cells from damage by free radical cells. Moreover, antioxidant food rejuvenates your skin and improves your eyesight. Therefore, add some blue peas to your daily diet. 2. Anti-diabetic Presently, diabetes is a public health concern that is affecting millions around the world. This disease is not only affecting adults but also young adults and children. Throughout my decade of working experience as a nurse and nutritionist, I have seen increasing in trends young adults being diagnosed with this chronic illness. Parents and young people must educate themselves on healthy eating and healthy lifestyles. Most food contains sugar, as sugar doesn’t only come under glucose or sucrose in the ingredients section of any food. That being said, reading your food label is crucial. Nevertheless, reading a food label might not be effective as somehow most food will have sugar in it. Not to worry, as blue pea has the power to reduce your glucose levels, consequently; making this plant one of the superfoods for general health and well-being. 3. Anti-depressant and anxiety treatment Mental health disease has significantly escalated in recent years, especially after lockdowns thanks to the Covid-19 pandemic. At the moment, many people are developing depression, anxiety and eating disorders as a result of loneliness, abusive and/or toxic relationships and work stress. You can reduce stress levels by practising simple mindful steps such as integrating blue peas into your daily diet. Several studies have demonstrated evidence, that blue pea has the power to calm your mind thus; making it beneficial as an anti-depressant and anxiety treatment. 4. Improved cognitive functions Various studies have also displayed, that blue pea has the power to increase cognitive functions, which is beneficial to prevent Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. According to the studies, the plant has been indicated to improve memory and enhance learning. Blue pea is a food that should be integrated into the daily diet, as it has rich sources that protect your brain health. How can you incorporate this flower into your daily diet? Besides having healthy nutrients, the blue pea is also used as a food colouring. So, feel free to toss it into just about any food. Below are a few examples: 1. Tea A classic tea blended with blue peas is the perfect way to feel rejuvenated and refreshed. I love drinking flower teas; one of my favourites is blue pea tea, which I drink every morning. The tea refreshes my mind and boosts my cognitive functions so; I can continue writing inspirational articles about holistic interventions for you. 2. Desserts You can add blue peas whenever you crave any desserts. Research revealed that adding blue pea to a cake and baking it at 170°c only reduced approximately 41% of the nutrients in the plant. Subsequently, it is safe to say that blue pea sustains at least half amount of their nutritional value under high temperature. I love making jellies and puddings using blue tea and coconut milk. Coconut milk is notable for its saturated fats nonetheless; it also contains medium-chain fatty acids. Medium-chain fatty acids are absorbed in your liver, where they are used for energy production therefore; you don’t have to worry about being stored as fat. If you fancy eating something cool during a hot day, you could also make ice cream using blue peas. It doesn’t only make you feel refreshed outside but also inside your body. 3. Rice Malaysians are renowned for their food culture, thanks to their diverse racial populations. One of the famed rice apart from “nasi lemak” is “nasi kerabu”. This rice originated from the east coast states, for example, Kelantan and Terengganu. Nasi Kerabu is cooked using blue pea flowers hence; giving the rice its bright blue colour. It is served with fried chicken, salads and pickles. You can use your food preference and creativity to add other types of food along with the rice. 4. Dumplings Fancy eating a blue dumpling? Add some colour to your homemade meat or vegetable dumpling. A positive and happy experience around food is vital in achieving a healthy mind and body. This is also one of the frequent pieces of advice I give to my patients/clients. All in All Recently, thanks to advanced technology and holistic approaches many medicinal flowers are researched for their healing properties, with blue peas being one of the broadly studied plants. Clitoria ternatea has been used extensively in ancient civilizations as a medicinal plant. Initially, research on blue peas started in the 1950s and scientists have continually explored the potential advantages of blue peas. Clitoria ternatea can nourish your body from the inside and outside. Furthermore, it is easy to use this plant in almost any food as it blends well in any cooking method or temperature. So, initiate your way to holistic nutrition by incorporating blue peas into your daily diet and live a joyful life. Do share your experience in using blue pea flower in the comments section or on social media with me. I would love to know how this flower has inspired you in eating healthily. References 1. Lakshan SAT, Jayanath NY, Abeysekera WPKM. (2019); A Commercial Potential Blue Pea (Clitoria ternatea L.) Flower Extract Incorporated Beverage Having Functional Properties; Evidence Based Complement Alternative Medicine; 13 pages. 2. Vidana Gamage, Lim YY, Choo WS. (2021); Anthocyanins From Clitoria ternatea Flower: Biosynthesis, Extraction, Stability, Antioxidant Activity, and Applications; Frontiers in Plant Science; volume 12. 3. Fitrilia, T., Kurniawan, M. F., Kurniawati, F. R., & Setiawan, T. (2020); The potential of Butterfly Pea Flower Methanol Extract as an Antioxidant by In Silico; Indonesian Journal of Applied Research (IJAR); 1(3):163-169. 4. Oguis GK, Gilding EK, Jackson MA, Craik DJ. (2019); Butterfly Pea (Clitoria ternatea), a Cyclotide-Bearing Plant with Applications in Agriculture and Medicine; Frontiers in Plant Science; volume 10. 5. Thilini Weerasinghe, Dayana Perera, Nethmi De Silva, Dinithi Poogoda and Hashani Swarnathilaka. (2022); Butterfly pea: An emerging plant with applications in food and Medicine; The Pharma Innovation; 11(6): 625-637.
22/5/2023 01:31:32 am
A simple small blue pea flower can do wonders in our lives to stay healthy. I would prefer to drink as a tea to refresh myself and easy to make. Thank to the author to reveal all the facts of blue pea flower. God bless.
Vivian Benjamin
22/5/2023 01:11:32 pm
Thank you for your appreciation and comments. Share your journey after drinking it. Have a lovely day
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